Thursday, July 2, 2009

What is the logical sense for LOVE?

The Lord woke me up early this morning to reflect on something that really needed to be discussed among some church friends and maybe some other friends.

I recently commented on a video posted on youtube and I had a barrage of anti-christian attacks. Things like "Your faith is false" "Jesus is fictitious" etc and the like. I seemed to deflect it at first but it kept eating at me. The Lord reminded me this morning that HE is real. I AM He says.

Then I was reminded of this scripture "What the evil one uses for evil, God uses for good" something like that. What happened in my heart will really blow you away.

I can hardly type this as I share it. As I prayed, God took me up into heaven (in spirit) and I knew I was with my mom for a brief moment. (biblical or not, it happened) It was a way for me to know that everything was ok and mom was waiting on me. Love overwhelmed me and Jesus let me know that there is no logical sense for love itself.

So if love exists, there is not a way for evolutionists, and atheists to make thier case against Christ. If Christ exists, then love exists, if Christ is love, and love is Christ, we have to conclude that love exists. Because we were made in God's image, we are made to love. It is because of Christ that love exists. Again, no logical explanation for it. How does love factor into evolution? If Christ had no love, His passion would have fizzled out after the first spit and punch to the face.

So is Christ who He says He is, or not? Christ is ALIVE and HE is. Everyone wants to dis-prove Christ. Everyone wants you to think that He didn't exists or He was not who He said He was. The proof: It's the link that links us to Him.


and to celebrate Love today, I have selected for your enjoyment one of the greatest love songs of all time:

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