Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hoj Band Rocking out at Bemiss UMC

We totally had a rockin' time for a GREAT cause at the Bemiss UMC! Several worship bands from around the city and a couple groups came together to unit for Relay for Life! The people and the worship was awesome! It did make me think of my mom because she died of cancer. It felt good to sort of 'pay back' or 'give' back some of things that came so easily for my family in our time of need.

The video is out of focus because 'I-don't-know-I-fixed-before-we-started-but-my-camera-went-WHACK'! But you can hear us play. I totally tanked on the start of the third song, I was a little nervous and plus I had a brain fart! TOTALLY forgot how the song started! As the drummer I am the 'cornerstone' of the band, so when the cornerstone is out of kilter, the band is too! I was glad the third song was over! I have only been playing a few years but it has been explained to me that everyone has those moments where you just go 'BLAH!' and that night was totally a 'BLAH' moment for me! I wasn't really embarassed but it did make me want to focus more on excellence and less on my flash which as a drummer I have a tendency to do. I also have a tendency to let my tempo 'roam' a bit. I am taking things to the next level and I have heard there are speed bumps and I am not going to be perfect the whole way!

Russ is on keys+vox, Keith on Rhythm, Jimmy on bass, Cortni J , Connie, Ros and Madison are vox, and I was slamming the skins. Slammed them good or bad? You be the judge.

Hoj Band 3-28 from Brian Peters on Vimeo.

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